
电话: 027-68788711










1996.09 - 2000.07 华中农业大学,学士(本硕连读)

1999.09 - 2002.07 华中农业大学,硕士
2004.08 - 2010.08 美国爱荷华州立大学,博士


2002.09 – 2004.08 上海睿星基因技术有限公司,科研助理

2010.08 - 2012.11 美国爱荷华州立大学,博士后

2012.12 - 2017.03 美国普渡大学,博士后

2017.04 - 2018.10 美国普渡大学,助理研究科学家

2018.11-2020.11 澳门十大酒店排行榜,澳门十大信誉网赌大全,特聘研究员

2020.12-至今 澳门十大酒店排行榜,澳门十大信誉网赌大全,教授






1. 流行性病毒的宿主侵染机制

2. 病毒的细胞免疫逃逸机制

3. 重要疾病的药物靶点挖掘和药物作用机制

4. 细胞的耐药性机制


1. Huang, W., Y. He, R. Jiang, Z. Deng, F. Long*. (2022) Functional and Structural Dissection of a Plant Steroid 3-O-Glycosyltransferase Facilitated Engineering Enhancement of Sugar Donor Promiscuity. ACS Catalysis. 12(5):2927-2937

2. Sevvana, M., T. F. Rogers, A. S. Miller, F. Long, T. Klose, N. Beutler, Y. C. Lai, M. Parren, L. M. Walker, G. Buda, D. R. Burton, M. G. Rossmann, R. J. Kuhn. (2020) Structural basis of zika virus specific neutralization in subsequent flavivirus infections. Viruses. 12(12):1346

3. Long, F., M. Doyle, E. Fernandez, A. S. Miller, T. Klose, M. Sevvana, A. Bryan, E. Davidson, B. J. Doranz, R. J. Kuhn, M. S. Diamond, J. E. Crowe, M. G. Rossmann. (2019) Structural basis of a potent human monoclonal antibody against Zika virus targeting a quaternary epitope. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116 (5):1591-1596

4. Sevvana, M., F. Long, A. Miller, T. Klose, G. Buda, L. Sun, R. J. Kuhn, and M. G. Rossmann. (2018) Refinement and analysis of the mature zika virus Cryo-EM structure at 3.1 resolution. Structure. 26(9):1169-1177.e3

5. Hasan, S. S., A. Miller, G. Sapparapu, T. Klose, F. Long, E. Fernandez, J. C. Porta, W. Jiang, M. S. Diamond, J. E. Crowe, Jr., R. J. Kuhn, M. G. Rossmann. (2016) A potently neutralizing human antibody cross-links Zika virus to prevent infection. Nat. Commun. 8:14722

6. Long, F., R. H. Fong, S. K. Austin, Z. Chen, T. Klose, A. Fokine, Y. Liu, J. Porta, G. Sapparapu, W. Akahata, B. J. Doranz, J. E. Crowe, M. S. Diamond, M. G. Rossmann. (2015) Cryo-EM structures elucidate neutralizing mechanisms of anti-chikungunya human monoclonal antibodies with therapeutic activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112(45):13898-13903

7. Fox, J. M., F. Long, M. A. Edeling, H. Lin, M. Duijl-Richter, R. H. Fong, K. M. Kahle, J. M. Smith, J. Jin, G. Simmons, B. J. Doranz, J. E. Crowe, D. H. Fremont, M. G. Rossmann, M. S. Diamond. (2015) Broadly neutralizing alphavirus antibodies bind an epitope on E2 and inhibit entry and egress. Cell 163(5):1095-1107

8. Su, C.-C.#, Long, F.#, M. T. Zimmermann, R. L. Jernigan, and E. W. Yu. (2011) Crystal structure of the CusBA heavy-metal efflux complex of Escherichia coli. Nature 470:558-562. (#共同第一作者)

9. Long, F.#, Su, C.-C.#, M. T. Zimmermann, S. E. Boyken, K. R. Rajashankar, R. L. Jernigan, and E. W. Yu. (2010) Crystal structures of the CusA efflux pump suggest methionine-mediated metal transport. Nature 467:484-488.(#共同第一作者)

10. Liu, Y., J. Sheng, A. Fokine, G. Meng, W. H. Shin, F. Long, R. J. Kuhn, D. Kihara, M. G. Rossmann. (2015) Structure and inhibition of EV-D68, a virus that causes respiratory illness in children. Science 347(6217):71-74.

11. Long, F., C.-C. Su, H.-T. Lei, J. Bolla, S. V. Do, and E. W. Yu. (2012) Structure and mechanism of the tripartite CusCBA heavy-metal efflux complex. Philosophical Transactions B 367:1047-1058.  

12. Su, C.-C. #, Long, F. #, H.-T. Lei, J. Bolla, S. V. Do, K. R. Rajashankar and E. W. Yu. (2012) Charged amino acids (R83, E567, D617, E625, R669 and K678) of CusA are required for metal-ion transport in the Cus efflux system. J. Mol. Biol. 422:429-441. (#共同第一作者)

13. Bolla, J. R., S. V. Do, F. Long, L. Dai, C.-C. Su, H.-T. Lei, X. Chen, J. E. Gerkey, D. C. Murphy, K. R. Rajashankar, and E. W. Yu. (2012) Structural and functional analysis of the transcriptional regulator Rv3066 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nucl. Acids Res. 40(18):9340-9355

14. Bolla, J. R., Su, C.-C., J. A. Delmar, A. Radhakrishnan, N. Kumar, T.H. Chou, F. Long, K. R. Rajashankar, E. W. Yu. (2015) Crystal structure of the Alcanivorax borkumensis YdaH transporter reveals an unusual topology. Nat. Commun. 6:6874

15. Su, C.-C., Radhakrishnan, A., Kumar, N., F. Long, J. R. Bolla, H.-T. Lei, J. A. Delmar, S. V. Do, T.-H. Chou, K. R. Rajashankar, Q Zhang, and E. W. Yu. (2014) Crystal structure of the Campylobacter jejuni CmeC outer membrane channel. Prot. Sci. 23: 954–961.

16. Long, F., C. Rouquette-Loughlin, W. M. Shafer, and E. W. Yu. (2008) Functional cloning and characterization of the multidrug efflux pumps NorM from Neisseria gonorrhoeae and YdhE from Escherichia coli. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 52(9):3052-60.

17. Su, C.-C., Bolla, J. R., N. Kumar, A. Radhakrishnan, F. Long, J. A. Delmar, T.-H. Chou, K. R. Rajashankar, W. M. Shafer, E. W. Yu. (2015) Structure and function of Neisseria gonorrhoeae MtrF illuminates a class of antimetabolite efflux pumps. Cell Rep. 11(1):61-70

18. Lei, H-T, Chou, T-H, Su, C-C, J. R. Bolla, N. Kumar, A. Radhakrishnan, F. Long, J. A. Delmar, S. V. Do, K. R. Rajashankar, W. M. Shafer, E. W. Yu. (2014) Crystal structure of the open state of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae MtrE outer membrane channel. PLoS ONE 9(6): e97475.

19. Bolla, J. R., Su, C.-C., Do, S. V., A. Radhakrishnan, N. Kumar, F. Long, T.-H. Chou, J. A. Delmar, H.-T. Lei, K. R. Rajashankar, W. M. Shafer, E. W. Yu. (2014) Crystal structure of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae MtrD inner membrane multidrug efflux pump. PLoS ONE 9(6): e97903.

20. Su, C.-C., F. Long, and E. W. Yu. (2010) The Cus system removes toxic metal ions via a methionine shuttle. Prot. Sci. 20:6-18. (同期杂志封面)

21. Su, C.-C., F. Yang, F. Long, D. Reyon, M. D. Routh, D. W. Kuo, A. K. Mokhtari, J. D. Van Ornam, K. L. Rabe, J. A. Hoy, Y. J. Lee, K. R. Rajashankar, and E. W. Yu. (2009) Crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein CusB from Escherichia coli. J. Mol. Biol. 393(2):342-55.

22. Su, C.-C., F. Long, G. McDermott, W. M. Shafer, and E. W. Yu. (2008) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the multidrug efflux transporter NorM from Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 64:289-92.

23. Gu, R., M. Li, C.-C. Su, F. Long, M .D. Routh, F. Yang, G. McDermott, and E. W. Yu. (2008) Conformational change of the AcrR regulator reveals a possible mechanism of induction. Acta Crystallogr Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 64:584-8.

24. Li, M., X. Qiu, C.-C. Su, F. Long, R. Gu, G. McDermott, and E. W. Yu. (2006) Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the regulator AcrR from Escherichia coli. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 62:1150-2.

25. Takano, E., Tao, M., F. Long, M. J. Bibb, L. Wang, W. Li, M. J. Buttner, M. J. Bibb, Z. X. Deng, and K. F. Chater. (2003) A rare leucine codon in adpA is implicated in the morphological defect of bldA mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor. Mol. Microbiol. 50(2):475-86.)


1. Do, S. V., C.-C. Su, F. Long, H.-T. Lei, J. R. Bolla and E. W. Yu. (2013) Structure, mechanism and assembly of the tripartite CusCBA heavy metal efflux complex. Microbial Efflux Pumps: Current Research :51. (Book Chapter)

2. Su, C.-C., F. Long, and E. W. Yu. (2012) CusBA heavy metal efflux pump of E. coli. Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry DOI: 10.1002/9781119951438.eibc2054. (Book Chapter)

3. Routh, M. D., Y. Zalucki, C.-C. Su, F. Long, Q. Zhang, W. M. Shafer, and E. W. Yu. (2011) Efflux pumps of the resistance-nodulation-division family: a perspective of their structure, function, and regulation in Gram-negative bacteria. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology 77:109-146. (Book Chapter)


