陈子林 (CHEN, Zilin)
中国武汉市武昌珞珈山 澳门十大信誉网赌大全
江西大学化学系 理学学士
澳门十大酒店排行榜化学系 理学硕士
日本东京都立大学应用化学系 工学博士
历任江西工业大学助教、中德联合研究院讲师、东京都立大学日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员、日本NTT先端技术综合研究所博士后研究员、美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)研究助理教授,现任澳门十大酒店排行榜珞珈学者特聘教授、二级教授、中南医院特聘教授、博士生导师、澳门十大信誉网赌大全副院长(2010-2020)。
Associate Editor, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
中国生物医药技术协会药物分析技术分会 副主任委员
2002年 日本分析化学会关东分会“新世紀奖”
2003年 日本色谱科学会“奖励奖”
2010 年 澳门十大酒店排行榜医学部“2008-2009年度医学突出贡献奖”
2012年 澳门十大酒店排行榜优秀本科教学管理工作者
2013年 澳门十大酒店排行榜“朱裕璧医学奖”
2014年 澳门十大酒店排行榜“2013年度医学突出贡献奖”
2015年 澳门十大酒店排行榜医学部“2014年度医学突出贡献奖”
2016年 澳门十大酒店排行榜“审核评估先进个人奖”
2017年 澳门十大酒店排行榜医学部“2016年度医学突出贡献奖”
2017年 澳门十大酒店排行榜优秀教学业绩奖(研究生教学)
2017年 澳门十大酒店排行榜优秀教学成果二等奖
2018年 澳门十大酒店排行榜优秀教学业绩奖(本科生理论课教学)
2018年 查全性教授1977纪念奖
2018年 湖北省优秀教学成果三等奖
2019年 澳门十大酒店排行榜优秀教学成果二等奖
Prof. Dr. Hsueh-Chia Chang, University of Notre Dame, USA
Prof. Dr. Igor Clarot, University of Lorraine, France.
Prof. Dr. Emmanuelle Lipka, Uinversity of Lille, France.
Prof. Dr. Tomasz Baczek, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland.
Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. E. Scriba, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany.
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型手性共价有机框架材料设计合成及其手性药物毛细管电色谱分离与电化学检测新方法(Grant No.82273885,2023.01-2026.12)
2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于肿瘤乏氧机制以碳酸酐酶IX为靶标抗肿瘤酶抑制剂筛选与近红外成像新方法,(Grant No. 82073808,2021.01-2024.12)
3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于毛细管电泳/电色谱-质谱联用技术的药物分析新方法, (Grant No. 81872828, 2019.01-2022.12)
1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型固相微萃取及毛细管电色谱柱技术及其在药物分析中应用,(Grant No. 81573384, 2016-2019)
2.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于雌激素受体及芳香化酶靶向识别分析新方法 及其在抗乳腺癌药物分析中应用(Grant No. 21375101, 2014-2017)
3.主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目:痕量植物激素实时原位及多组分同时检测创新方法研究(Grant No:9141730002, 2015.01-2015.12)
4.主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目:茉莉酸类植物激素高效分离与高灵敏度检测及其在水稻颖花开放机理研究中应用(Grant No:90817103, 2009-2012)
5.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目: 二酰胺类手性硅胶整体柱技术及杂环类手性药物分离分析新方法研究 (Grant No: 30973672, 2010-2012)
6.主持国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:2010中日韩分析化学研讨会(Grant No. 21010302029,2010.10-2010.11)
7.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型毛细管电色谱-电喷雾离子化-质谱联用技术及其在生物与药物分析中的应用研究(Grant No:20775055, 2008-2010).
8.主持湖北省自然科学基金重点项目:新型固相微萃取-色谱-质谱联用技术及其在肿瘤诊断标志物筛选中 应用(Grant No. 2014CFA077,2014-2016)
9.主持传感技术联合国家重点实验室开放课题:甲基化DNA纳米传感器的研制与应用,(Grant No. SKT1803, 2018.11-2021.12)
10.主持传感技术联合国家重点实验室开放课题:一氧化氮纳米生物电化学传感器研究,GrantNo.SKT1406, 2014.12-2017.12)
11.主持湖北省自然科学基金“基于生物传感识别中药有效成分筛选分析新方法”(Grant No 2011CDB475, 2011-2012)
13.主持教育部博士点博导基金(Grant No. 20110141110024, 2012-2014)
15.主持中央高校专项研究基金 (Grant Nos: 306275547, 306275866, 2010-2011)
16.主持澳门十大酒店排行榜“珞珈学者特聘教授”启动基金(Grant Nos: 306276216, 306271159)
1. 本科生课程:仪器分析、药学导论、药学进展(全英文课程)
2. 研究生通开必修课程:药物分离与检测科学 (精品课程)
3. 药物分析专业研究生必修课程:药物分析前沿文献导读 (精品课程)
1. 湖北省教学研究与改革项目“药学专业课程体系改革研究”2011-2013
2. 澳门十大酒店排行榜教学与该项项目“生物制药新专业课程体系改革与建设”2014-2016
3. 澳门十大酒店排行榜全英文课程建设项目“Advance in Pharmaceutical Sciences” 2010-2013
4. 澳门十大酒店排行榜研究生精品课程建设项目“药物分离与检测科学”2014-2015
5. 澳门十大酒店排行榜教改项目“药学与生物制药交叉融合课程体系改革与建设” 2018-2020
副教授:王芳 博士, 副教授:姜鹏 博士
硕士生:M3:袁在程、万天凤,杨红梅,程莹 M2:胡蔚,洪园,孙文琦,李雯,唐静;M1:刘子纯,崔新悦,李巧艳
博士毕业生(14人):吴玥(2010), 刘丽红(2011),陈琴华(2012), 张玉林(2013),赵海燕(2014),陈莹(2014),张娟(2014)、张文鹏(2015)、包涛(2016),凌旭(2018),廖晓燕(2019),王榕(2019),周韦(2020),毛振坤(2020)
硕士毕业生(59人):谢俊,陈晓炜,杨灵芝,庞璋帆,张玉林、邓晓翠,翁莹,谢世静,杜 娟,廖雅倩,颜芳芳,黄亮,牟晓丽,李元,陈莹,李鹏, 让颖,付帅,王丽,刘晶晶,谢珊珊,张文鹏,包涛,陈静,龙玉玲,马文,任丽萍,刘晓,龚文成,胡培玉,夏晓婧,孟佳伟,汤莉琳,向秋月、邹李、陈佳欢、张紫鑫、王丽丽、韩竟、李沂霖、毛振坤、于振亚、王榕、周韦、刘易昆、孔德瑛、陈玉玲、唐平秀、程孟霞、周健、余欣虹、王雪梅、陈雪,王晨露,李文清,胡芳丽,张宝方,李振涛,张婷婷。
交流留学生:Robert Fichtner, Stefanie Weißig (Jena University, Germany), 2009
Shuai Guo (九州大学, 日本), 2010
Dan Havet, Emeline Gantois (Université Lille 2, France), 2011
Marie Boutonniere, Victoire Meas (Université Lille 2, France), 2012
Sophie Allou, Clemence Gouy (Université Lille 2, France), 2013
Mai Hashimoto, Shoko Tanaka (Fukushima Medical University), 2015
Juliette Desbonnet, Phillippine Ecrepont, Robin Brongniart,
and Merwann Boitte (Université Lille 2, France), 2015
David Ruczkal, Gwladys Touvron, Antoine Rifflart (Université Lille 2, France),2016
Morgane Avez (Université Lille 2, France), 2017
Aurore Boulenger, Violette Sterin, Guillaume Colin (Univ of Lille, France), 2018
Cecile Catelin, Clara Jonvel, Sirine Maaroufi, Eloise Mullier (Univ of Lille, France) (2019)
1. Zhentao Li , Changjun Hu , Zhuang Hu , Yuanyuan Fu , Zilin Chen*, Facile synthesis of novel multifunctional β-cyclodextrin microporous organic network and application in efficient removal of bisphenol A from water, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 276:118786.
2. Yuan Hong, Xiaoyan Liao, Zilin Chen*, Food Chemistry, Screening and characterization of potential α-glucosidase inhibitors from Cercis chinensis Bunge fruits using ultrafiltration coupled with HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, Food Chemistry, 2022, 372: 131316.
3. Zichun Liu†, Wei Zhou†, Yuan Hong, Wei Hu, Zhentao Li, Zilin Chen*, Covalent organic framework-V modified porous polypropylene hollow fiber with detachable dumbbell-shaped structure for stir bar sorptive extraction of benzophenones, J. Chromatogr. A, 2022, in press.
1. Jing Tang #, Guangrong Zou#, Chen Chen , Jing Ren , Fang Wang *, Zilin Chen * Highly Selective Electrochemical Detection for 5-Formyluracil Relying on (2-Benzimidazolyl) Acetonitrile Labeling, Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93: 16439-16446 .
2. Zhou Wei, Yu Xinhong, Liu Yikun, Sun Wenqi, Chen, Zilin*, Porous layer open-tubular column with styrene and itaconic acid-copolymerized polymer as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry, Electrophoresis, 2021,42: 2664-2671,
3. Wang R, Wan T, Li W, Chen Z*, Schiff base network-1 incorporated monolithic column for in-tube solid phase microextraction of antiepileptic drugs in human plasma, Talanta, 2021, 226: 122098.
4. Li Wen#, Zhang Baofang#, Chen Zilin*, Screening carbonic anhydrase IX inhibitors in traditional Chinese medicine based on electrophoretically mediated microanalysis, Talanta, 2021, 232:122444.
5. Li Zhentao, Li Qiaoyan, Fu Yuanyuan, Hu Changjun, Liu Yikun, Li Wen, Chen Zilin*, A lipase-based chiral stationary phase for direct chiral separation in capillary electrochromatography, Talanta, 2021, 232:12444.
6. Li Wen, Cui Xinyue, Chen Zilin*, Screening of lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor from bioactive compounds in natural products by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis, J. Chroamtogr. A, 2021, 1656:462554.
7. Hu Wei#, Zhou Wei#, Wang Chenlu, Liu Zichun, Chen Zilin*, Rapid Analysis of Biological Samples Using Monolithic Polymer-Based In-Tube Solid-Phase Microextraction with Direct Mass Spectrometry, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021, 4(8)6236-6243.
8. Li Qiaoyan#, Li Zhentao#, Fu Yuanyuan, Clarot Igor, Boudier Ariane, Chen Zilin*, Room-temperature growth of covalent organic frameworks as the stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography, Analyst, 2021, 146(21): 6643-6649.
9. Yang Hongmei, Wang Yafen, Tang Jing, Wang Fang*, Chen Zilin*, End-labeling-based electrochemical strategy for detection of adenine methylation in nucleic acid by differential pulse voltammetry, Microchimica Acta, 2021, 188(8): 250.
10. Fu Yuanyuan#, Li Zhentao#, Li Qiaoyan, Hu Changjun, Liu Yikun, Sun Wenqi, Chen Zilin*, In situ room-temperature preparation of a covalent organic framework as stationary phase for high-efficiency capillary electrochromatographic separation , J. Chromatogr. A, 2021, 1649:462239.
11. Hu Changjun, Mao Zhenkun, Li Zhentao, Li Qiaoyan, Chen Zilin*, Benzoic acid-modified monolithic column for separation of hydrophilic compounds by capillary electrochromatography with high content of water in mobile phase, J. Chromatogr. A, 2021, 1647:462166.
12. Cheng Ying, Tang Jing, Chen Xue, Wang Fang*, Chen Zilin*, Assay for TET1 activity and its inhibitors screening with signal amplification by both nanoparticles and Ru(III) redox recycling, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2021, 203:114228.
13. Yi X#, Cao Z#, Yuan Y, Li W, Cui X, Chen Z*, Hu X*, Yu A*. Design and synthesis of a novel mitochondria-targeted osteosarcoma theranostic agent based on a PIM1 kinase inhibitor. J Control Release. 2021, 332: 434-447. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.
14. Yu Z., Chen X., Cheng Y., Yang H., Wang F*, Chen Z*. Novel label-free electrochemical strategy for sensitive determination of ten-eleven translocation protein, Anal. Chim.Acta, 2021, 1146: 140-145.
15. Liao X, Hong Y, Chen Z*. Identification and quantification of the bioactive components in Osmanthus fragrans roots by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2021, 11(3):299-307.
16. Hong Y, Liao X, Chen Z*, Determination of bioactive components in fruits of Cercis chinensis Bunge by HPLC-MS/MS and quality evaluation by principal components and hierarchical cluster analysis, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2021, 11(4): 465-471.
17. Liu Y, Zhou W, Sun W, Chen Z*, Analysis of fluorinated compounds by micellar electrokinetic chromatography - mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatogr. A, 2021, 1645:462123.
18. Sun. W#, Liu Y#, Zhou W, Li Z, Chen Z*In-situ growth of a spherical vinyl-functionalized covalent organic framework as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, Talanta, 2021, 230:122330.
19. Li Z, Hu C, Liu Y, Li Q, Fu Y, Chen Z*Facile preparation of ethanediamine-β-cyclodextrin modified capillary column for electrochromatographic enantioseparation of Dansyl amino acids, J. Chromatogr. A, 2021, 1643:462082.
20. Wan T, Li W, Chen Z*, Metal organic framework-801 based magnetic solid-phase extraction and its application in analysis of preterm labor treatment drugs, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2021,199:114049.
21. Wan T, Chen Z*, Covalent organic nanospheres modified magnetic nanoparticles for extraction of blood lipid regulators in water samples, J. Sep.Sci. 2021, 44(11)2301-2309.
22. Chen, Xue#; Cheng, Ying#; Wang, Yafen; Tang, Jing; Wang, Fang*; Chen, Zilin*; Fluorescence assay based on thioflavin t-induced conformation switch of G-quadruplex for TET1 detection, Analyst, 2021, 146:2126-2130.
23. Yang, Hongmei#; Hu, Peiyu#; Tang, Jing; Cheng, Ying; Wang, Fang*; Chen, Zilin*; A bifunctional electrochemical aptasensor based on AuNPs-coated ERGO nanosheets for sensitive detection of adenosine and thrombin, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2021, 25(4)1383-1391.
1.Liao X, Hong Y, Chen Z*. Identification and quantification of the bioactive components in Osmanthus fragrans roots by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2020, In Press.
2.Liu Z, Zhou W, Wang C, Hu W, Chen Z*. Cotton thread modified with ionic liquid copolymerized polymer for online in‐tube solid‐phase microextraction and HPLC analysis of nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs[J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2020, 43: 2827-2833.
3.Li Z, Mao Z, Hu C, Li Q, Chen Z*. Fluoro-functionalized stationary phases for electrochromatographic separation of organic fluorides[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1625: 461269.
4.Li Z, Mao Z, Zhou W, Chen Z*. γ-Cyclodextrin metal-organic framework supported by polydopamine as stationary phases for electrochromatographic enantioseparation[J]. Talanta, 2020, 218: 121160.
5.Zhou W, Wang X, Wang C, Li W, Chen Z*. Surface area expansion by flower-like nanoscale layered double hydroxides for high efficient stir bar sorptive extraction[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1116: 45-52.
6.Hu F, Liao X, Guo Y, Yamaki S, Li X, Hamada N, Hashi Y*, Chen Z*. Fast determination of isomeric triterpenic acids in Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.) Lour. fruits by UHPLC coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 322: 126781.
7.Mao Z, Li Z, Hu C, Liu Y, Cao Z, Chen Z*. Strong hydrophilic monolithic column functionalized with amphiphilic benzyl quinine for capillary electrochromatography and application in pharmaceutical analysis[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1621: 461031.
8.Yuan Z, Zhou W, Chen Z*. Flower-like layered double hydroxide-modified stainless-steel fibers for online in-tube solid-phase microextraction of Sudan dyes[J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2020, 43: 1316-1322.
9.Zhou W, Sun W, Liu Y, Mao Z, Chen Z*. Ionic liquid-copolymerized monolith based porous layer open tubular column for CEC-MS analysis[J]. Talanta, 2020, 209: 120556.
10.Wang C, Zhou W, Liao X, Li W, Chen Z*. Covalent immobilization of ionic liquid-based porous polymer onto poly(ether ether ketone) for stir bar sorptive extraction and its application in analysis of chlorophenoxy acid herbicides in soil[J]. Talanta, 2020, 208: 120442.
11.Li Z, Mao Z, Zhou W, Chen Z*. Incorporation of homochiral metal-organic cage into ionic liquid based monolithic column for capillary electrochromatography[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1094: 160-167.
12.Mao Z, Li Z, Hu C, Liu Y, Li Q, Chen Z*. Glycine-modified organic polymer monolith featuring zwitterionic functionalities for hydrophilic capillary electrochromatography[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1629: 461497.
1.Liu Y, Zhou W, Mao Z, Chen Z*. Analysis of Evodiae Fructus by capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry with methyl-vinylimidazole functionalized organic polymer monolilth as stationary phases [J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1602: 474-480.
2.Zhou W, Zhang B, Liu Y, Wang C, Sun W, Li W, Chen Z*. Advances in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for cell analysis [J]. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2019. 117: 316-330.
3.Mao Z, Chen Z*. Advances in capillary electrochromatography[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2019, 9: 227-237.
4.Lipka E, Chen Z*. Preface for advances in pharmaceutical analysis 2018[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2019, 9: III-IV.
5.Mao Z, Hu C, Li Z, Chen Z*. A reversed-phase/hydrophilic bifunctional interaction mixed-mode monolithic column with biphenyl and quaternary ammonium stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography [J]. Analyst, 2019, 144: 4386-4394.
6.Li Z, Mao Z, Chen Z*. Polydopamine-assisted immobilization of a zinc(II)-derived metal-organic cage as a stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography [J]. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(7).
7.Zhou W, Liu Y, Liao X, Chen Z*. Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry using robust poly(ether ether ketone) capillary for tolerance to high content of organic solvents [J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1593: 156-163.
8.Zhou J, Wan R, Chen Z*. Stir bar sorptive extraction with a graphene oxide framework-functionalized stainless-steel wire for the determination of Sudan dyes in water samples [J]. Analytical Methods, 2019, 11: 2050-2056.
9.Jiang P, Li S, Ha M, Liu Y, Chen Z*. Biocompatible Ag2S quantum dots for highly sensitive detection of copper ions [J]. Analyst, 2019, 144: 2604-2610.
10.Cheng M, Wang R, Zhang B, Mao Z, Chen Z*. Rapid proteolytic digestion and peptide separation using monolithic enzyme microreactor coupled with capillary electrophoresis [J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2019, 165: 129-134.
11.Chen Y, Wang R, Chen Z*. Sensitive determination of psoralen and isopsoralen in Fructus Psoraleae by online solid phase microextraction with a porphyrin-based porous organic polymer modified capillary [J]. Analytical Methods, 2019, 11: 29-35.
12.Li Z, Mao Z, Chen Z*. In-situ growth of a metal organic framework composed of zinc(II), adeninate and biphenyldicarboxylate as a stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography [J]. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(2).
13.Ling X, Chen Z*. Immobilization of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks with assist of electrodeposited zinc oxide layer and application in online solid-phase microextraction of Sudan dyes[J]. Talanta, 2019, 192: 142-146.
14.Haiyan Yu, Patrick Chaimbault, Igor Clarot, Zilin Chen, Pierre Leroy* , Labeling nitrogen species with the stable isotope 15N for their measurement T by separative methods coupled with mass spectrometry: A review, Talanta, 191(2019)491-503
15.Liao X, Hu F, Chen Z*. A HPLC-MS method for profiling triterpenoid acids and triterpenoid esters in Osmanthus fragrans fruits[J]. Analyst, 2019, 144: 6981-6988.
16.Li W, Wang R, Chen Z*. Metal-organic framework-1210(zirconium/cuprum) modified magnetic nanoparticles for solid phase extraction of benzophenones in soil samples[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1607: 460403.
17.Zhang B, Chen Z*. Screening of cathepsin B inhibitors in traditional Chinese medicine by capillary electrophoresis with immobilized enzyme microreactor[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2019, 176: 112811.
1.Rong Wang, Wenqing Li, Zilin Chen*, Solid phase microextraction with poly (deep eutectic solvent) monolithic column online coupled to HPLC for determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1018 (2018) 111-118.
2.Chenlu Wang, Wei Zhou, Xiaoyan Liao, Xuemei Wang, Zilin Chen*, Covalent immobilization of metal organic frameworks onto chemical resistant poly(ether ether ketone) jacket for stir bar extraction, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1025 (2018) 124-133.
3.Xiaoyan Liao, Fangli Hu, Zilin Chen*, Identification and Quantitation of the Bioactive Components in Osmanthus fragrans Fruits by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, J. Agric. Food Chem., 66 (2018) 359-367.
4.Pingxiu Tang, Zilin Chen*, Capillary Electrochromatography Using Knitting Aromatic Polymers as the Stationary Phase for the Separation of Small Biomolecules and Drugs, Talanta, 178 (2018) 650-655.
5.Xuemei Wang, Wei Zhou, Chenlu Wang, Zilin Chen*, In situ immobilization of layered double hydroxides onto cotton fiber for solid phase extraction of fluoroquinolone drugs, Talanta, 186 (2018) 545-553.
6.Xu Ling, Zilin Chen*, Boronate affinity solid phase extraction of cis-diol compounds by one-step electrochemically synthesized selective polymer sorbent, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 410 (2018) 501-508.
7.Wei Zhou, Chenlu Wang, Xuemei Wang, Zilin Chen*, Etched poly(ether ether ketone) jacket stir bar with detachable dumbbell-shaped structure for stir bar sorptive extraction, J. Chromatogr. A, 1553 (2018) 43-50.
8.Deying Kong, Zilin Chen*, Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using carboxylatopillar[5]arene as stationary phase, Electrophoresis, 39 (2018) 363-369.
9.Xuemei Wang, Wei Zhou, Chenlu Wang, Zilin Chen*, Cotton fiber-supported layered double hydroxides for the highly efficient adsorption of anionic organic pollutants in water, New Journal of Chemistry, 42 (2018) 9463-9471.
10.Rong Wang, Zilin Chen*, Boronate affinity monolithic column incorporated with graphene oxide for the in‐tube solid‐phase microextraction of glycoproteins. J. Sep. Sci., 41 (2018) 2767-2773.
11.Mengxia Cheng, Zilin Chen*, Recent advances in screening of enzyme inhibitor based on capillary electrophoresis. J. Pharmaceut. Anal., 8(2018)226-233.
12.Pingxiu Tang, Rong Wang, Zilin Chen*, In situ growth of Zr-based metal-organic framework UiO-66-NH2 for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography, Electrophoresis, 39(2018)2619-2625.
13.Wenqing Li, Rong Wang, Zilin Chen*, Metal-organic framework UiO-66-modified cotton for solid phase micro-extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, J. Chromatogr. A, 1576(2018)19-25.
14.Rong Wang, Zhenkun Mao, Zilin Chen*, Monolithic column with polymeric deep eutectic solvent as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1577(2018)66-71.
15.Mao Z, Bao T, Li Z, Chen Z. Ionic liquid-copolymerized monolith incorporated with zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 as stationary phases for enhancing reversed phase selectivity in capillary electrochromatography[J]. J. Chromatogr. A, 2018, 1578: 99-105.
16.Deying Kong, Zilin Chen*, Covalent organic framework TpPa-1 stationary phase for capillary electrochromatographic separation of drugs and food additives, Electrophoresis, 39(2018)363-369.
17.Zhenkun Mao, Xiaoning Qin, Zilin Chen*, Monolithic column functionalized with quinine derivative for anion-exchange capillary electrochromatography, Electrophoresis, 39(2018)3006-3012.
18.Fangli Hu, Xiaoyan Liao, Zilin Chen*, Determination of three phenylethanoid glycosides in Osmanthus Fragrans fruits by HPLC with fluorescence detection, J. Sep. Sci. 41(2018)3995-4000.
1.Juan Zhang*, Zillin Chen*, Metal-organic frameworks as stationary phase for application in chromatographic separation, J. Chromatogr. A, 1530(2017) 1-18.
2.X. Yu, W. Zhou, Z. Chen*, In situ immobilization of layered double hydroxides as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1530(2017) 219-225.
3.Zhenkun Mao, Zilin Chen*, Monolithic column modified with bifunctional ionic liquid and styrene stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography, J. Choromatogr. A, 1480(2017)99-105.
4.W. Zhou, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Universal biomimetic preparation and immobilization of layered double hydroxide films and adsorption behavior, Applied Surface Science, 392(2017)153-161.
5.Wei Zhou, Chenlu Wang, Yikun Liu, Wenpeng Zhang, Zilin Chen*, Layered double hydroxides based ion exchange extraction for high sensitive analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, J. Choromatogr. A, 1515(2017)23-29.
6.Wei Zhou, Wenpeng Zhang, Yikun Liu, Xinhong Yu, Zilin Chen*, Polydopamine-functionalized poly(ether ether ketone) tube for capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry, Anal. Chim. Acta, 987(2017),64-71.
7.Mengxia Cheng, Zilin Chen*, Screening of tyrosinase inhibitors by capillary electrophoresis with immobilized enzyme microreactor and molecular docking, Electrophoresis, 38(2017)468-493.
8.Mengxia Cheng, Zilin Chen*,Trypsin inhibitors screening in traditionalChinese medicine by immobilized enzyme microreactor in capillary and molecular docking study, J. Sep. Sci. 40(2017)3168-3174.
9.Yuling Chen, Zilin Chen*, COF-1-Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles for Highly Selective and Efficient Solid-phase Microextraction of Paclitaxel, Talanta, 165(2017)188-193.
10.Yilin Li, Tao Bao, Zilin Chen*Polydopamine-assisted immobilization of zeoliticimidazolate framework-8 for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography, J. Sep.Sci. 40(2017), 954-961.
11.Deying Kong, Tao Bao, Zilin Chen*, In situ synthesis of the imine-based covalent organic framework LZU1 on the inner walls of capillaries for electrochromatographic separation of nonsteroidal drugs and amino acids, Microchimica Acta, 184(2017)1169-1176.
12.Deying Kong, Zilin Chen, Evaluation on interaction between hydroxyapatite and bisphosphonate by nonlinear capillary electrochromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 40(2017) 2030-2036.
13.Xinghong Yu, Xu Ling, Li Zou, Zilin Chen*, Polymeric monolith materials with β-cyclodextrin -graphene composite for highly selective extraction of methyl jasmonate, J. Sep. Sci., 40(2017) 1556-1563.
14.X. Ling, Z. Chen*. Electrochemically deposited conductive composite sorbent for highly efficient online solid-phase microextraction of jasmonates in plant samples. Talanta, 170(2017)337-342.
15.Xu Ling, Li Zou, Zilin Chen*, Polymeric monolith column composited with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and β-cyclodextrin for selective extraction of psoralen and isopsoralen, J. Sep. Sci. 40(2017)3718-3724.
16.C. Wang, W. Zhou, X. Liao, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, An etched polyether ether ketone tube covered with immobilized graphene oxide for online solid phase microextraction of quaternary alkaloids prior to their quantitation by HPLC-MS/MS, Microchimica Acta, 184(2017) 2715-2721.
17.Peng Jiang, Zilin Chen*, Ligand effect on the synthesis of emission-tunable near infraredAg2Squantum dots, New Journal of Chemistry, 41(2017)5707-5712.
18.Rong Wang, Zilin Chen*, A covalent organic frameworks-LZU1-based magnetic adsorbent for solid phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsin environmental samples, Microchimica Acta, 184(2017)3867-3874.
19.Yikun Liu, Wei Zhou, Zhenkun Mao, Xiaoyan Liao, Zilin Chen*, Analysis of active components in Radix Tinosporae by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry, J. Sep. Sci. 40(2017)4628-4635.
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