









Email: pengfeixu@whu.edu.cn或dyxufei@sina.com


2023/03-至 今, 澳门十大酒店排行榜,澳门十大信誉网赌大全,教授






iMeta 青年编委


World Journal of Diabetes 编委

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 编委/客座编辑

Frontiers in Immunology客座编辑



1. 内/外源物修饰调控及相关肝肠代谢性疾病发病机制和潜在药物防治靶标研究。

2. 糖脂代谢调控和肠道微生物在代谢性疾病中的作用机理研究。

3. 建立高通量3D类器官芯片药物筛选体系开发肝肠代谢性疾病潜在防治药物。


肝脏与肠道是机体感知复杂环境信号与执行代谢功能的主要场所,与机体内环境稳态的调节密切关联。近年来阐明内/外源物修饰调控肝肠代谢的规律,揭示肝肠疾病代谢紊乱的成因及其致病机理既是当前生命科学与医学研究的前沿领域,也是关系国计民生的重大需求。肝肠代谢性疾病防控及药物研发是直接关系到人民生命健康安全的重大课题。近十年围绕肝肠系统疾病和代谢性疾病的药理毒理学机制及潜在防治药物靶标研究,取得一系列原创性研究成果。主持国自然青年、面上、国家人才项目等科研基金7项,参与美国NIH R35和R01基金各1项;以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,被引2600余次;授权/申请国家发明专利2项;任美国药理学与实验治疗学会(ASPET)和美国肝病研究学会(AASLD)会员;应邀担任30余个医药领域SCI期刊审稿人和法国国家科学基金(ANR-LITEN)评审专家。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2024-2027)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2024-2026)

3. 省市“双一流”建设人才启动项目(2023-2029)

4. 美国匹兹堡肝脏研究中心P&F科研项目(2022-2023)

5. 细胞增殖及调控生物学教育部重点实验室(北京师范大学)开放课题(2018-2020)


第一或通讯作者文章 (Co-First (#) or Corresponding author (*))

1. P. Xu#, Y. Xi#, P. Wang, Z. Luka, M. Xu, H.C. Tung, J. Wang, S. Ren, D. Feng, B.Gao, A. D. Singhi, S. P. Monga, J. D. York, X. Ma, Z. Huang, W. Xie*. Inhibition of p53 sulfoconjugation prevents oxidative hepatotoxicity and acute liver failure. Gastroenterology. 2022 Apr; 162(4): 1226-1241.

2. P. Xu, Y. Xi, J. Zhu, M. Zhang, Z. Luka, D.B. Stolz, X.Cai, Yang Xie, Meishu Xu, Songrong Ren, Zhiying Huang, Da Yang, John D. York, Xiaochao Ma, Wen Xie*. Intestinal Sulfation is Essential to Protect Against Colitis and Colonic Carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology. 2021 Jul; 161(1): 271-286.

3. P. Xu#,*, Y. Xi#, J. Kim , J. Zhu, M. Zhang, M. Xu, S. Ren, D. Yang, X. Ma, W. Xie*.Sulfation of chondroitin and bile acids converges to antagonize Wnt/β-catenin signaling and inhibit APC deficiency-induced gut tumorigenesis. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2023 Dec: Doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2023.12.006

4. P. Xu, X. Cai, X. Guan, W. Xie*. Sulfoconjugation of protein peptides and glycoproteins in physiology and diseases. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2023 Nov: 251: 108540.

5. P. Xu*. Nuclear Receptors in Health and Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 May 23; 24(11): 9153.

6. S. Pan, Y. Guo, W. Yu, F. Hong, X. Qiao, J. Zhang, P. Xu*, Y. Zhai*. Environmental chemical TCPOBOP disrupts milk lipid homeostasis during pregnancy and lactation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023 Jan 1; 114463.

7. J. Li #, *, X. Quan #, Y. Zhang #, T. Yu, S. Lei, Z. Huang, Q. Wang, W. Song, X. Yang, and P. Xu*. PPARγ is Essential in Triclosan Induced Placental Dysfunction. Cells. 2022 Jan; 11(1): 86.

8. P. Ye#, Y. Xi#, Z. Huang, and P. Xu*. Linking Obesity with Colorectal Cancer: Epidemiology and Mechanistic Insights. Cancers. 2020 May 29;12(6):1408.

9. P. Xu, F. Hong, J. Wang, Y. Cong, S. Dai, S. Wang, J. Wang, X. Jin, F. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhai*. Microbiome Remodeling via the Montmorillonite Adsorption-Excretion Axis Prevents Obesity-related Metabolic Disorders. eBioMedicine. 2017, Feb; 16: 251-261.

10. P. Xu, J. Wang, F. Hong, S. Wang, X. Jin, T. Xue, L. Jia, Y. Zhai*. Melatonin prevents obesity through modulation of gut microbiota in mice. Journal of Pineal Research. 2017, Mar; 00: e12399.

Complete list of published work: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/pengfei.xu.2/bibliography/public/


1. 翟永功,许鹏飞,戴书. 基于偏振光显微镜观察蒙脱石吸附脂质的直观检测方法. (ZL201510571914.8)

2. 翟永功,许鹏飞,戴书. 一种预防肥胖和降低高血脂的蒙脱石制剂及其制备方法. (CN105213422A)


1. Pengfei Xu. (Editor) Nuclear Receptors in Health and Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067) (2023).

2. Jialin Wang, Fan Hong, Tingting Xue, Pengfei Xu, Yonggong Zhai*. The Role of Lipid Metabolism-Associated Nuclear Receptors in Colorectal Cancer. Recent Advances in Colon Cancer: Vol 2. pp2-65, Avid Science. (2017).


1. Invited presentation with title of “Inhibition of p53 sulfoconjugation prevents oxidative hepatotoxicity and acute liver failure”, The 5th Chinese American Liver Socitey (CALS) Annual Symposium, October 2022, Virtual

2. CTP Annual Retreat First Prize Poster Award with title of “Intestinal Sulfation is Essential to Protect Against Colitis and Colonic Carcinogenesis”, August 2022, Pittsburgh, PA

3. Oral Presentation with title of “Inhibition of p53 sulfoconjugation prevents oxidative hepatotoxicity and acute liver failure” Magee-Womens Research Institute's Work-in-Progress (WIP) Research Seminar. September 2021, Pittsburgh, PA

4. Oral Presentation with title of “Intestinal Sulfation is Essential to Protect Against Colitis and Colonic Carcinogenesis” Cancer Biology Program/Women’s Cancer Research Center Summer Seminars at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, July 2021, Virtual

5. Invited podium presentation with title of “Intestinal Sulfation is Essential to Protect Against Colitis and Colonic Carcinogenesis”, Experimental Biology Annua Meeting (Session: ASPET Division for Cancer Pharmacology - Young Investigators Symposium) April 2021, Virtual

6. Invited podium presentation with title of “Sulfoconjugation of p53 dictates oxidative liver injury via the p53-p21-Nrf2 axis”, The 3rd Chinese American Liver Socitey (CALS) Annual Symposium, October 2020, Virtual

7. Poster Presentation with title of “PAPSS2 ablation prevents acetaminophen‐induced hepatotoxicity in mice” Experimental Biology Annua Meeting, April 2020, San Diego, CA.



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2. 欢迎具有药理学、临床医/药学、生物信息学及生物学等相关背景的研究助理博士后副研究员加盟。提供具有竞争力的薪资、福利待遇及科研绩效奖励。有意者请将简历发至邮箱:pengfeixu@whu.edu.cn。